Category: Cyber Security

[CVE-2021-41773] Bug Apache 2.4.49-50

Apache merupakan software aplikasi yang biasa digunakan oleh webserver untuk menghosting sebuah website selain nginx. Akan tetapi akhir-akhir ini

ReconNote – Web Application Security Automation Framework

ReconNote:-- Web Application Security Automation Framework which recons the target for various assets to maximize the attack surface for

V3n0M-Scanner – Free and Open-source Vuln Scanner in Python

Popular Pentesting scanner in Python3.6 for SQLi/ XSS / LFI/ RFI and other Vulns. Evolved from baltazar's scanner, it has

MicroBackdoor:– Small and convenient C2 tool for Windows targets.

Micro Backdoor is C2 tool for Windows targets with easy customizable code base and small footprint. Micro Backdoor consists

[CVE-2021-3493] Ubuntu LPE OverlayFS PE Exploit

Masalah khusus Ubuntu dalam sistem file overlayfs di kernel Linux yang tidak memvalidasi aplikasi kapabilitas sistem file dengan benar

[CVE-2021-22986] Server ID banyak yang VULN

Kerentanan ini memungkinkan penyerang yang tidak diautentikasi dengan akses jaringan ke antarmuka REST iControl, melalui antarmuka manajemen BIG-IP dan

E-Mail Security Virtual Appliance (ESVA) Remote Execution.

ESVA (E-Mail Security Virtual Appliance) is a pre-built and semi-configured email scanning appliance that will run on VMware Workstation,

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